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Become a Vendor
Have you dreamed of starting your own business? Here's your chance!

Event Rules

- Participants must be between the ages of 6 and 17

- An adult must be present at the booth for the

   duration of the event

- Kids must make and sell (or even resell) their own

   products and/or services. Parents must not

   interfere or make sales on their child's behalf -

   this is an opportunity for them to learn for


- Payment for the booth ($30) will be due within 

   two weeks of booth acceptance. Payments are

   invoiced via PayPal. Failure to pay may result in

   the loss of the booth space

Event Schedule

Friday, May 17th

4 pm - 7 pm - Set up open


Saturday, May 18th

8 am - 9 am - Set up open

9 am - Welcoming ceremony

9:30 am - Vendor walk-around/Closed shopping

10 am - 2 pm - Public sale

3:15 pm - Awards ceremony

4 pm - 5 pm - Tear down

Competition Categories

Best Display, Ages 6-9

Best Display, Ages 10-13

Best Display, Ages 14-17

Best Sales Pitch, Ages 6-9

Best Sales Pitch, Ages 10-13

Best Sales Pitch, Ages 14-17

Most Unique Concept, Ages 6-9

Most Unique Concept, Ages 10-13

Most Unique Concept, Ages 14-17

Fan Favorite (General Public Voting)


How much is the booth fee?

A booth is $30


What is included in my entry fee?

Your booth, which is a 10x10 space, will have one table and one chair for each participant/guardian. If you need more tables, please let us know in advance and we will attempt to accommodate. Your entry will also include snacks and a goodie bag for each participant, as well as automatic entry into each of the competitions for your age group.


What can I sell?

Whatever you can think of! Five minute juggling lessons, jars of lemonade, jewelry made on-site, home-grown plants, if you can think it you can sell it. We do have some rules we have to follow, though:

- No sales of weapons or restricted items (soft bow and arrow, wooden swords, marshmallow shooters, or things along those lines are OK)

- No promotion of violence towards others

- No political items or anything that could be considered hate speech

- All food products sold must be pre-packaged with a label stating ingredients. No refrigerated or heated items can be sold

- No gift certificates - all items/services must be sold on-site

If you have a question about your product or service, please do not hesitate to contact us!


Will I be the only one with my product/service?

We are trying to encourage healthy competition and a realistic selling environment. With that said, you may have others that sell the same or at least similar products to yours. While we will try to limit the number of similar products (after all, we don't want nothing but a cupcake fair!), we will allow competition in each category, so make sure yours stands out from the crowd!


Do I need my parents with me?

You do need an adult guardian (parent, older sibling 18 or older, aunt, uncle, etc) to be present at the event. However, your adult cannot help you with your sales in any way. Guardians caught assisting in sales will lead to a disqualification of your business from the competition. Exceptions will be given to the young category to assist with things like making change.


How many of us can sign up for a group?

You can sign up as an individual or with your friends in a group of up to three people. Your age category will be based on the oldest person in the group.

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Notice of Nondiscriminatory Policy

The PMR Children's Business Fair does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin and admits and gives all hosts and participants access to the same rights, privileges, programs and activities.

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